Bài dịch ra tiếng Anh về Lời kêu gọi giúp Tuấn

Gửi bài trả lời

Mã xác nhận
Nhập vào đoạn mã xác nhận mà bạn thực sự nhìn thấy trong hình. Tất cả chữ cái đều được phân biệt với chữ số và không có số O.

Nếu bạn muốn đính kèm một hay nhiều tập tin trong bài viết, hãy sử dụng công cụ bên dưới.

Kích thước tệp tối đa cho mỗi tệp đính kèm: 1 MiB.

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Bài dịch ra tiếng Anh về Lời kêu gọi giúp Tuấn

Viết bởi ho quang nam » Bảy T11 08, 2003 3:51 pm

 Đây là lời kêu gọi của bạn bè của Tuấn ở nước ngoài.Xin thông báo cho anh em Dông Du được biết.Mọi người hãy vào đây để theo dõi http://ttvnol.com/lqddanang/288558.ttvn

This is an appeal from people who care. Please read on till the end!  
A little note on Tuan`s background

Our friend is Pham Minh Tuan. A bright student from the Le Quy Don Gifted High School in Danang city, Vietnam, Tuan is loved by his peers and teachers for his intelligence and his upbeat attitude towards life. Tuan left for Japan two years ago to study Japanese and entered the university in April this year. Not long after that, he was diagnosed with cancer, a predicament too cruel for a twenty-one year old.

Tuan`s dire situation

As of July 2003, Tuan was diagnosed with cancer. Two days after the diagnosis, he underwent an operation to remove the cancer cells. The doctor predicted that he would recover quickly. However, post-operation observations showed that the cancer cells were spreading. The second operation was scheduled to be on 11/11/2003.

As you would expect, the cancer treatment with toxic chemicals induced hair and weight loss. Tuan has lost 12kg since July. The second operation is critical to Tuan`s survival. There will be no third operation. As of November 7th, Tuan is currently having fever. The operation has been tentatively postponed to November 17th if his health permits.

The financial costs are overwhelming. Hospitalization fees are estimated to be about 1 million yen per month, excluding the fees for the second operation. The estimated amount Tuan has to pay is about 400000 yen. It is impossible for Tuan to take care of this huge amount of medical costs.

Appealing to all kind souls out there

After much thought, we decided to include a picture of Tuan before and after the cancer treatment. We have no intention of emotionally blackmailing you with these pictures. We simply would like to convey to you Tuan`s real dire situation right now.

What you can do to help Tuan out

Both moral support and financial support are most welcome. Include in your prayers the wishes for his strength and recovery. If you would like to send Tuan a note of encouragement, please email to deartuan@hotmail.com. All the emails will be printed out and passed to Tuan immediately by Tuan`s friends in Japan.  

If you would like to support Tuan financially, feel free to get in touch with the listed contacts below. Remember, it is not how much you donate that counts. It is your kindness that matters. We sincerely appreciate your help. We would keep records of all donations and update you with the support we receive.

Take action! To help a friend in real need of your support!

Links to share & to care (in Vietnamese)




Contact information

The following contacts are Tuan`s friends and volunteers who are willing to lend a helping hand. If you would like to help, simply email or message us in our respective country with your name, your contact and the donated amount before transferring to our bank accounts. All donations in the respective countries will then be transferred to Tuan`s account in Japan.

If you are in Singapore

Tran Thi Thu Huong (D1 1997-1998)
Business Admin NUS Year 1

Email: meocon24@yahoo.com

Hand phone: 91389567

Account Number: 218-01961-7 (POSB Savings)

Phan Thi Binh Nguyen (A2 1997-2000)
            Bank: Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC)

           Branch:   NTU Branch

           Account  No: 537-0-020876

           Email: binhnguyenntu@yahoo.com

           Hand phone: 90497082.

If you are in Australia

Ly Quoc Nguyen (A2 1997-2000)

Email address: lqndn@yahoo.com or lyquocnguyen@yahoo.com

Address in Australia: 2/66 Floss Street, Hurl stone Park, NSW 2193 Australia

Hand phone: 0411833181

Bank Account: 112879   027286993

Account Name: Q N Ly

Bank Corp: St George

If you are in Russia

Truong Hoang Anh Tuan (A2 1997 -2000)

Email: kisskid82@yahoo.com

If you are in Vietnam

Le Viet Anh Khoa

Da Nang

Email: anhkhoa154@yahoo.com
Tel: (0511) 832451

If you are in US

Le Hoang Ngoc Quynh (D1 98-01)

Phone: (408)646-1629
Email: quynhle1123@hotmail.com
Account Number: DDA-5975
Account Name: Quynh H Le
Bank Corp: Bank of America
Account type: Checking

  Bài dịch này của bạn Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương học lớp D1 cùng khoá với Tuấn và hiện là học sinh của trường NUS(Nanyang University of Singapore).Các bạn bè trên thế giới đang hướng về Tuấn.Cố gắng lên Tuấn ơi!絶対手術が成功するよ!絶対負けるな!